Panel Discussion


Date Place Event Topic Activity
14.1.2024 Webinar NUCD 2024 Exercise in diabetes Panelist
11.08.2024 Holiday Inn, Lucknow ITSCON Thyroid advocacy Panelist


Date Place Event Topic Activity
23 April 2023 ITC Royal Bengal Cardiac Prevent 2023 Moving from glucocentric approach to cardio-renal prevention in diabetes: a Paradigm shift Panelist
6 July 2023 JW Marriott, Kolkata IDEACON 2023 Consensus on Idiopathic Hirsuitism Panelist


Date Place Event Topic Activity
April 10,2022 Webinar CME of IPS, West Bengal Chapter Addison’s disease Panelist


Date Place Event Topic Activity
19 March 2021 Webinar (Chennai) HOLD Master Class Hypothyroidism Panelist
1 Aug 2021 Webinar ADE REGCON 2021 Diabetes management post COVID 19 Moderator
18 Sep 2021 Webinar PANACEA [IADVL] Criss with cross- role of interspeciality interaction Panelist


Date Place Event Topic Activity
Feb 17.2019 ITC Sonar, Kolkata IMSCON Thyroid disorders in 40+ women Discussant
July 5,2019 J.W.Marriott,Kolkata IDEACON Asymptomatic hyperuricemia Consensus chair
Nov 14,2019 Rotary Sadan, Kolkata WDD Celebration (DAIWB) Doctor patient interaction Moderator


Date Place Event Topic Activity
Nov 14,2015 Taj Bengal, Kolkata World Diabetes Day (RSSDI West Bengal Chapter) CSII Discussant
May 16,2015 HHI, Kolkata Dapagliflozin launch (DAIWB) Dapagliflozin Discussant


Date Place Event Topic Activity
May 3,2014 Hotel Park,Kolkata Program organised by DAIWB Case capsule : gestational diabetes Discussant
April 27,2014 Hotel Sonnet, Kolkata Annual Conference of IRA, West Bengal Chapter Case discussion Panelist


Date Place Event Topic Activity
Sept 05,2013 Hotel Peerless Inn,Kolkata National Nutrition Week organized by Diabetic Association of India,West Bengal Dietary management of obesity and dyslipidemia Moderator
Panel Discussion